The Assessment Advantage
Your Genius Unleashed
Join this FREE program to learn how to use assessments for personal development.

Assessment Advantage
Certify Your Genius
Join this FREE program to learn how to use assessments for personal development.
“Can You Be Yourself & Still Fit In?”
Assessments have the power to answer this and more for you.
Not only do assessments have the potential to tell you how you fit in, but they can also help you gain confidence in being who you are and increase your emotional intelligence.
Join this FREE program to learn how to
use assessments for personal development
Join this FREE program to learn how to use assessments for personal development.
When you join
Your Genius Unleashed
When you join Your Genius Unleashed
you will learn about six different research-based, single-science assessments and how the dimensions they measure impact your emotional intelligence.
The Assessments
measures behaviors
measures emotional intelligence
measures strengths
12 Driving Forces
measures motivators/drivers
6 Motivators
measures affinities & aversions
4 Tendencies
measures how you deal with expectations
What You Get in Your Genius Unleashed
Exclusive members-only discounted access to The Assessment Package
(6 assessments)Learn about the assessments:
(1) DISC, (2) The 6 Motivators, (3) The 12 Driving Forces,
(4) CliftonStrengths, (5) The Four Tendencies, and (6) EQ.Access to exclusive self-reflective questionnaires.
A more in-depth debrief of your assessment results with Jeanne in group settings.
Membership in a community invested in personal development and increasing emotional intelligence.
Access a program that teaches you how to use assessments in your life and work.
Access to members-only, behind-the-scenes workshops on how to harness the power of assessments.
Priority waitlist access for The Assessment Advantage: Assess & Empower.
Is Your Genius Unleashed right for you?
Or are you ready to go a step further with assessments?
Here’s a FAQ about The Assessment Advantage membership options!
The free Facebook group — The Assessment Advantage: Your Genius Unleashed (Level 1).
Or, if you want your own assessments, sign up for Assess & Empower (Level 2).
Assess & Empower (Level 2) — which comes with access to the Facebook group and private member group.
Certify Your Genius (Level 3) — which comes with access to the Facebook group, a private group, and a TTI Learn membership.
Your Genius Unleashed (Level 1): Monthly education on new assessments.
Assess & Empower (Level 2): A deeper dive into new assessments every month.
Certify Your Genius (Level 3): A deeper dive into new assessments every month, plus certification and exam support.
Your Genius Unleashed (Level 1): Twice weekly content, consumed at your own pace.
Assess & Empower (Level 2): Live weekly Q&A, education, lecture-style debrief/assessment walkthrough, book club, and more.
Certify Your Genius (Level 3): Weekly meetings with unlimited ongoing access to support through text message, email, and Voxer support.
Your Genius Unleashed (Level 1): Check the event schedule in the free Facebook Group.
Assess & Empower (Level 2): Weekly events, including live Q&A sessions + Hot seat coaching.
Certify Your Genius (Level 3): Weekly events, including live Q&A sessions + Hot seat coaching + Individual debriefs with Jeanne.
Assess & Empower (Level 2) through a group setting, and Certify Your Genius (Level 3) through group and one-on-one support.
Certify Your Genius (Level 3) offers you the opportunity to get certified in TTI SI, including DISC, The 12 Driving Forces, and EQ assessments.
The retail cost to take The Assessment Package (DISC, The 6 Motivators, The 12 Driving Forces, EQ, ACI, CliftonStrengths 34, and The Four Tendencies) is $4,000.
Your Genius Unleashed (Level 1): gives you discounted access.
Assess & Empower (Level 2): Annual access to a suite of 7 assessments is included in the membership, plus group lecture-style debriefs and learning how to debrief yourself.
Certify Your Genius (Level 3): Annual access to the 7 assessments is included in the membership, plus one-on-one full debriefs in DISC, The 12 Driving Forces, and EQ.
Your Genius Unleashed (Level 1): No.
Assess & Empower (Level 2): Limited free access and unlimited discounted access to up to 3 of the 4 most popular assessments.
Certify Your Genius (Level 3): Limited free access and unlimited discounted access to all 4 of the most popular assessments through your own personal account.
Your Genius Unleashed (Level 1): No.
Assess & Empower (Level 2): Yes, one co-branded link plus one monthly practice code.
Certify Your Genius (Level 3): Yes, one co-branded link plus two practice codes per month.
Your Genius Unleashed (Level 1): FREE
Assess & Empower (Level 2): $99/month or $990/year
Certify Your Genius (Level 3): $4800 (payment options available)