The 6 Motivators

What drives you?

This assessment describes what drives you to fulfill your passion or purpose

The 6 Motivators measures the high points, or your affinities, in six areas: 

1. Theoretical – a drive for learning

2. Utilitarian – a drive for practicality

3. Aesthetic – a drive for beauty

4. Social – a drive to help others

5. Individualistic – a drive for uniqueness/to lead 

6. Traditional – a drive for order/system of living

The motivators help you understand the “why” behind your behaviors. The Six Motivators assessment generates a picture of what we want. It creates a hierarchy that represents our personal preferences and the level of importance we place on each of the six motivators that underlie everything we want.

Why Jeanne uses the 6 Motivators:

While evaluating multiple companies that provide DISC, she discovered the Six Motivators. She appreciates this assessment because it measures a deeper aspect of personality than just your behaviors – an aspect that is otherwise difficult to observe and measure. TTI is so invested in the efficacy of the assessment that they use neuroscience to research and improve the value of its assessments.

Assessment Provider: TTI