The Four Tendencies

How do you deal with expectations?

This assessment measures how we respond to both external and internal expectations.

There are four outcomes: 

  1. Upholder – meets outer expectations and inner expectations

  2. Obliger – meets outer expectations, resists inner expectations

  3. Questioner – resists outer expectations, meets inner expectations

  4. Rebel – resists outer expectations, resists inner expectations

Your relationship with expectations shapes your behaviors, so understanding The Four Tendencies framework can help you make better decisions, meet deadlines, suffer less stress and burnout, and engage more effectively. It explains why you act and why you don’t act.

Why Jeanne uses the 4 Tendencies:

Jeanne appreciates this assessment because it adds a piece to the puzzle that other assessments don’t address, as it deals with expectations. The research was conducted with a very large research pool. In Jeanne’s experience, it’s been a consistently helpful assessment.

Assessment Provider:
Dr. Gretchen Rubin, Psychologist

Assessment Provider: Dr. Gretchen Rubin, Psychologist