Unleash Your
Personal Brilliance 

with Jeanne as your guide

Ready to uncover and understand more pieces of your puzzle?

The Group Consulting Program is a 6-month minimum engagement where participants take assessments, learn to read the results, and integrate each jigsaw piece into the puzzle.

The Details

  • Meet twice a month for 1-hour sessions, with assessments and course material in between

  • Group size no bigger than 25 people

  • An hour of non-consecutive one-on-one time with Jeanne*

  • 100% virtual and online

*Deeper one-on-one sessions with Jeanne are available for an additional fee.

The Assessments



4 Tendencies

12 Driving Forces



Is this program for you? 

✔️You have taken assessments in the past but haven’t known how to apply the results

✔️You are skeptical of claims that any single personality assessment has all the answers

✔️You don’t want simple, prescriptive solutions

✔️You want nuanced insight into yourself

✔️You want a holistic picture of yourself, so you can make more informed decisions, be more effective

✔️You want a consultant who helps you understand how the different pieces of your puzzle fit together as a whole.

❌ You want to take these assessments just for fun and not for personal growth

❌ You fixate on the results of a single personality assessment and swear by it like it’s your new religion

❌ You feel like you only need DISC

❌ You want quick, easy fixes

❌ You’re not interested in seeing yourself as a puzzle made of many pieces

❌ You are content with a surface-level understanding of yourself. 

❌ You want a coach who will give you simple, prescriptive solutions

What to expect from the Group Consulting Program

This is an example roadmap of this program. The actual program may vary as Jeanne dynamically tailors the program to meet the needs of the group. 

  1. The program begins. Participants take a few assessments before the first meeting with Jeanne, including EQ.

  2. Participants spend between 4-6 weeks talking through each assessment and how to read the results.

  3. There are small homework assignments that help participants use what they learn in real life.

  4. Participants then spend 2-4 weeks integrating knowledge from each assessment.

  5. The group takes additional assessments during the program and follows the same process.

  6. After taking the EQ assessment again to measure progress, participants receive their 100+ page report detailing results from all of the assessments.


Ready to start the program?

Individual Consulting

If you’re looking for more one-on-one engagements with a coach or consultant,
Jeanne offers this to individuals working through the group program. 

Individual consulting is also available but requires a conversation with Jeanne to qualify.

Ready to talk with Jeanne about individual consulting?