The 12 Driving Forces

What do you value?

Using the same science as The Six Motivators, the 12 Driving Forces describe what energizes and stresses you.

The 12 Driving Forces measures the highs and lows
-affinities and aversions - on six spectrums:

1. Knowledge - Intelligence/Instinctive

2. Utility - Resourceful/Selfless

3. Surroundings - Harmonious/Objective

4. Others - Altruistic/Intentional

5. Power - Commanding/Collaborative 

6. Methodologies - Structured/Receptive

For those seeking to improve themselves personally, The 12 Driving Forces is an extremely valuable resource to help them determine the ‘why’ behind their actions. By knowing what motivates you, you will be able to change your approach to your current position, pursue a more fulfilling career, and improve your interpersonal relationships just by increasing your awareness of your motivations.

Why Jeanne uses the 12 Driving Forces:

While it may use the same science as the Six Motivators, the 12 Driving Forces assessment goes into deeper detail about what drives you. TTI is so invested in the efficacy of the assessment that they use neuroscience to research and improve the value of its assessments.

Assessment provider: TTI