The DISC+ Starter Pack

Take DISC, plus The 12 Driving Forces, The Four Tendencies assessments, and a Self-Debrief Guide
for just $49

Starter Pack

Take DISC, plus The 12 Driving Forces, The Four Tendencies assessments, and a Self-Debrief Guide
for just $49


+ The Four Tendencies Assessment
Two 1-hour coaching sessions

Learn about how you show up through DISC, how you deal with expectations through The Four Tendencies, and how your results on these assessments layer to impact your life.

3 Assessment Reports
& Tools to Help You Understand Them

With this Starter Assessment, you get:

  • Your 14-page combined DISC and 12 Driving Forces report

  • Your Tendency result

  • A 25+ page Self-Debrief Guide for all three assessments

  • An invitation to “Wednesday Walkthroughs,” where you can learn how to understand your report in a group setting

See the difference between starter and enhanced reports: 
Sample Starter Report | Sample Expanded Report

Why Upgrade?

The DISC+ Starter Pack is great for an intro to your assessment results, but you can gain deeper insights when an assessment-certified professional guides you through your results. 

Additionally, there are even more insights from the enhanced 50+ page report, which contains reports on your natural and adapted behaviors as well as details on your primary, situational, and indifferent driving forces.

3 Assessment Reports
& Tools to Help You Understand Them

With this Starter Assessment, you get:

  • Your 14-page combined DISC and 12 Driving Forces report

  • Your Tendency result

  • A 25+ page Self-Debrief Guide for all three assessments

  • An invitation to “Wednesday Walkthroughs,” where you can learn how to understand your report in a group setting

See the difference between starter and enhanced reports: 
Sample Starter Report
Sample Expanded Report

Why Upgrade?

The DISC+ Starter Pack is great for an intro to your assessment results, but you can gain deeper insights when an assessment-certified professional guides you through your results. 

Additionally, there are even more insights from the enhanced 50+ page report, which contains reports on your natural and adapted behaviors as well as details on your primary, situational, and indifferent driving forces.

Want to dive deeper into your reports?

With this Starter Assessment, you get:

  • Your 14-page combined DISC and 12 Driving Forces report

  • Your Tendency result

  • A __-page Self-Debrief Guide for all three assessments

  • An invitation to “Wednesday Walkthroughs,” where you can learn how to understand your report in a group setting