What is The 6 Motivators Assessment?

Sample 6 Motivators assessment results

The 6 Motivators assessment asks: What drives you?

The 6 Motivators is a single-science assessment that measures what drives you to fulfill your passion or purpose. It measures your high points, or affinities, in six areas. 

A motivator is a cluster of beliefs that share a similar underlying pattern or idea, which you believe is fundamentally important. Our primary motivators help determine what gives us joy, happiness, energy, and purpose – at work and in life. Motivators drive our behavioral (DISC) style – they are the “why” behind our behaviors. Behaviors are easily observable, while motivators are not.

What it can do for you:

Motivators are compelling and affect our actions, often without us even realizing it. They give us insights into our passion and purpose that are otherwise difficult to put into words. 

Recommended for:

  • Identifying passion and purpose

  • Navigating professional identity crises

  • Getting “unstuck”

  • Identifying sources of job/career dissatisfaction

The 6 Motivators

  1. Theoretical: a drive for knowledge and learning.

  2. Utilitarian: a drive for practicality, value, and ROI.

  3. Aesthetic: a drive for beauty and creative expression.

  4. Social: a drive for compassion and helping others.

  5. Individualistic: a drive for uniqueness, status, and to lead.

  6. Traditional: a drive for unity, order, and a system of living.

1. Theoretical 

A drive for knowledge and learning

People with a high measure in Theoretical are passionate about knowledge, learning, reasoning, ideas, and concepts. 

2. Utilitarian

A drive for practicality, value, and ROI

People with a high measure in Utilitarian have a passion for efficiency, wealth, practicality, and getting a good return on investment for time, energy, and money. 

3. Aesthetic

A drive for beauty and creative expression

People with a high measure in Aesthetic have a passion for beauty, form, balance, harmony, and experiencing the beauty in the world. 

4. Social

A drive for compassion and helping others

People with a high measure in Social are passionate about helping others no matter what. 

5. Individualistic

A drive for uniqueness, status, and to lead

People with a high measure in Individualistic have a passion for power, leading, prestige, achieving the highest position, and being different. 

6. Traditional

A drive for unity, order, and a system of living

People with a high measure in Traditional have a passion for living according to a system of beliefs that may be ethical, political, cultural, and/or spiritual. 

Your Primary Style

Everyone exhibits all six motivators to varying degrees. It’s important to keep in mind that The 6 Motivators is not measuring each motivator against other people; it’s measuring you against yourself. The top two motivators are the ones that drive our actions and give us direction and purpose.

Sample 6 Motivators assessment results

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