Become a Successful Network Marketing Leader with the help of science-based assessments!
DISC and other science-based assessments provide the roadmap to efficiently and effectively develop leaders.
Download the 7 Best Assessments to Use with Your Team for free!
Don’t miss out on this exciting limited-time offer!
Get the DISC+ Starter Pack for $500 $49!
3 assessments and the tools to help you understand them!
12 Driving Forces
Four Tendencies
With this Starter Assessment, you get:
Your 14-page combined DISC and 12 Driving Forces report
Your Tendency result
A 25+ page Self-Debrief Guide for all three assessments
An invitation to “Wednesday Walkthroughs,” where you can learn how to understand your report in a group setting
See for yourself how these assessments can help you bring value to your clients and increase your revenue as a coach.
Want more insight and community around your personal development?
Why join the free Assessment Advantage Facebook group?
Learn your behavior style and understand how you show up compared to others
Get a framework and language to discuss aspects of personalities
Increase self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Further your personal development and career development